18 month check up- Can you believe he is 18 months already!!!
Ryder has lost a pound and weighs in at 21.15- 6%
height-31.5- 30%
head-46.7- 10%
I need to schedule an appointment for an ENT, optomologist, & nutritionist.
He has labs for allergies & PMD test pending
GI & Metabolic/Genetic Specialist appointments coming up--( 8 doctors & 5 therapist---can this baby see any more specialist ???)
He still hasn't been feeling well--vomiting a lot and diarrhea--yuck!
I am in search for a new speech therapist (the one we have now is nice, but not a good fit for Ryder)
I saw a kidney specialist yesterday and she said I am a carrier of Al Ports syndrome (runs on my dad's side of the family) I've had blood (last 7 yrs)& now protein in my urine -which isn't a good sign. I'm still confused about this since I don't believe my dad has Al Port's symptoms, but know my uncle (his twin) and several other family member's suffered/died from this syndrome. I was devastated yesterday when the doctor said all 3 of my boys have a 50% chance of getting Al Port's syndrome. I have enough on my plate with Ry's health problems, but don't want to imagine the other two (plus Ry) having Kidney issues!!!
This journey really has been up and down for us/me (emotionally, physically, financially). I feel so very blessed in my life and with my beautiful boys, but struggle w/ all this medical stuff and want to do the best I can for my family. It's in God's hands and I can only pray I have the strength to follow HIS path and where it takes us!
Oh man, enough is enough! I'm sorry that you are going through this as well as everything else. You and your family are constantly in our prayers.